i'm natasha, i illustrate, drink tea {real tea though none of that fluff with nothing in it} and have recently become aware of recycling, properly.
i always knew that recycling was a positive thing for our environment, it stops things becoming all dusty and crowded and overgrown with crap we hoard or discard wrongly. but it's not just about that, i've come to realise something as simple as choosing where you buy your clothes from will promote recycling in a healthy and positive way. and it doesn't cost the earth and you can find some pretty amazing bargains out there if you know where to look! so i've decided to start this blog is to inspire people to start buying, wearing, saving and recycling vintage clothes and also to become more ethically aware about the things they wear and the things they consume ♥
it's going to be a place to post inspiration, great finds, promote vintage shops and boutiques, find out new ways to recycle! so if you know of a local charity shop, vintage shop or boutique that's an excellent find then i want to know about it!
i'm done with throw away fashion and want to inspire people to get into charity shops, car boot sales, rework their fashion with quality, pretty and responsibly sourced material ♥